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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Friday, May 28, 2010 @ 12:29 AM

[cousin Ash looked a bit sapau ah! ] ^^^^^^^^

went to VivoCity ystd.
had tonnes of fun! kinda getting into the holiday mood! as you can see!
bought t-shirts . mummy bought Cousin Akmal his belated bdae present. spent around $80 bucks on it.
what else but NERF.
i dont understand this people. might as well give the $$ to me.
was suppose to head to town today but im just so fucking lazy.
aunt called me at 8 plus. invite me to follow her family overnight at Swissotel today.
i dont know what i mumbled at her. than i fall back to sleep .
like piggy! oinkoink!
seriously, dont call me when im asleep.
woke up at 1115 and questioned myself whut i replied aunt earlier on.
washed up and had lunch with granddaddy.
ate nasi lemak which grandmum cooked ^^
granddad kept on talking abt mum and grandmum. funny dude!
he was like "eh! eh! tgk nenek kau, sukeeenye die!" , "mummy kau semue nak buang, semue nak buang!" haaa! had a great laugh with him.
daddy, mummy and grandmum was unpacking when i sit one corner studying and grandpa blasting his CD collection.
ohoh! i studied Chemistry today! did my 10 year series! proud of it!
tomorrow heading to town ! it will be an adventure! oooh! i love today's weather cause it rained! weee! but im hoping that i wont tomorrow ! ^^

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