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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
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Monday, June 28, 2010 @ 8:05 AM
dear best-friend,
day one . 30 day letter challenge (:

Dear Best Friend,

I don't even know how to start this letter. Maybe that's because [I hope] you know how much you really do mean to me. You know that I don't like to talk about my emotions and stuff but writing them works so much better for me anyways :)

We see each other almost everyday and I want you to know that you are an absolutely awesome girl! Now I know that you are thinking that I'm only saying this because I'm your best friend but I'm pretty sure I would tell you if you looked butt-ugly. Trust me on this. You are awesome. And I know life hasn't been kind to you a whole lot of the time. But that just adds to the beauty and your fighting spirit. I loved going out places with you because I would think "I'm so lucky to have a rockin friend who actually wants to be seen with me" :P

I don't really know where you are in your spiritual life - buddha on the lotus perhaps? But when you were still here I think that was one of my favourite things about our relationship. I've never had a friend closer than you who believed so much of the same things as me. But more than that is that I felt we were at the same point in our spiritual life and it helped having someone there with me going through the same battles. And I think this part of my life was the part that cried the most when you were gone and I didn't know what 'state' you were in. Anyways. I know this is cliche but I know that God has awesome plans for you. I know because I could see such things before you moved. (Of course I couldn't see anything while you were gone ;D)

Gah there is so much I could say! because of that stupid crap (fb) that happened , I'm sorry about that and I know I will always regret that i couldnt do anything about it. I don't know if you'll ever want to bring it up again but I think we should even though neither of us want to because it will eat both of us and our friendship inside out. You can say stuff happened and it doesn't matter. But it does to me. You shouldn't have to carry a burden by yourself. I promise I will talk about my side too. And its painful to me at certain parts but somehow I know you'll listen.

Music! In our souls, in our mouths, in our hands. I want that band to live. I don't even freaking care if its the two of us with guitars acoustic. I loved how I could write the lyrics and someone you could just pick the music out of the air. Beautiful.

Hahaha okay I know I am super lame this way and I want you to know that I want YOU (lol) in my bridal party. Bridesmaid, Maid of Honour.... we'll see. But you've been such an important part of my life I can't imagine you not being in there.

You are my partner-in-crime, my sister (though not by blood which is even cooler), and my best friend. Sorry this is long but at least it is better than post-its right? thats it than! see ya soon !

Love McFly ♥
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