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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 7:27 AM

hellllllllllllo world!

are you happy? im happy!
okay lets start with sordid things. had a checkup at NUH this morning. well, need to go again for further things. no need to elaborate.
after that, head to TOWN!
bugis was first.
bugis street was awesomee! i spent on things there^^ amazingly, mummy let me get what i want. most of it though!
went to bugis junction. in search of pants.
jeans kinda. well, something unfortunate happened. nevermind. i dont care also. ^^
no feeling :\
after went to UOB building to get things sorted out. then went to somerset @ 313.
shopped at Forever 21. spent a bomb there.
shopped around. then took 190 to lot1 . shopped again. goshhh! mum seriously dont care that she splurges loads. -.- funny ah she.

maybe all this has link to that question she asked me two days ago. hmm...
anyway, three days ago was fun^^ had fun with the whole family!

tomorrow is gonna be more fun! ^^ meet my hkps buddies! miss them!
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