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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Monday, July 5, 2010 @ 7:03 AM

so cekgu treated us Arnolds today. wah....half a spring chicken for each student. amek kauuuuuuuu!
haahaa! everyone were stuffed aftwards. pictured tgt. and off to town.
went with dayana, eerfun , hanis and zaffy.
wanted to watch Eclipse at Bugis but late timing. tried Iluma also same. late but 5 mins -.-
soooo, hanis and zaffy homed aft that.
me, dayana and eerfun went to Vivo city.
eerfun got an emergency call. so he went off.
dayana and me watched Eclipse. GV Max. :DDD
happy kids liao.
okay..lazy to type more. let pic do talkin. more pics with eerfun. wait for him to send me (:

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