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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Afeefah Anthony Leeyana Dianatashya Irfan
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Sunday, January 23, 2011 @ 4:36 AM
those nights where we stayed in school till late night to finish up our O levels D&T course work, were the bestest nights in school.

i miss those night walks we did after the workshop. trying to hide from the security guard cause we're not suppose to roam around school after hours.
one night in particular, we almost got locked in. we didn't realize that Mr A has reached the gate. he almost lock it with us still inside roaming.

Wednesday, we'll get to know which polys we go to :( meaning a new stage in education. new campus. new friends. new lifestyle. more freedom,yes. but has it crossed you mind like "where am i suppose to go?" " who's good and who's bad?" it has definitely crossed my mind. its scary to think of it . haish. i hope its not that bad alright?

i wish you all the best for your future :)

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