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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010 @ 5:23 AM

had the friggin math camp. did 3 hours of intensive math. topics were
  • coordinate geog
  • probability
  • mensuration
after the camp, head to class to relax. perangai bawak charger pegi skola cause handphone batt was low.haahaa^^
around one-thirty went out cause me , dayana and eerfun were craving for ice-cream.
went to seven-eleven.
me and eerfun had Magnum Almond and dayana had her CRUNCH.
omg... i savoured every moment. seriously, i has been a longgggg time since i had a Magnum okay.
wanted to try the Gold one but they dont have it. wtf. sad.
anyway, waited at the busstop till Dayana board her bus. she history student. so today no hist. wah best.
nevermind. head back to class with Eerfun. we relax and chilled again. chatted with sabree. i found out some interesting facts about Sabree Ninja ^^ haahaa! hes kinda cool tawu!
anyway, had geog for two hours. partnered with eerfun for today. very kecoh. did partner work. map-reading of Mauritius - Rose Belle. haahaa! i named dayana , me and eerfun of the places there.
Dayana - Madame Lolo
Me - Rose Belle
eerfun - monte fertile
haahaa! all those were name of places. i dont know why i soo random.

anyway, most of the work , eerfun did it^^ i just draw2 and erase2!
fun tawuuu! went home with syarkaeyy and eerfun after everything.

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