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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Friday, July 9, 2010 @ 5:00 AM
one hell of a bus ride.

Heartbreak Pictures, Images and Photos

You sit here and wish for that one person - be careful when
you wish for it... because the one person may come along and you realized you
made that wish at the wrong time.

ya, thats the exact thing. wah , inside bus, my heart break into a millllion pieces. dayana knows . the song she let me listened to was like the perfect song to describe that moment.

kaykay, imagine u had this fucking long crush on someone for a very long time. when i say long, i really meant it okay. let say years. yeap, years.

so when youu finally meet him, hes with someone . standing infront of you. and the girl, well, is from your school and you dont have the slightest fucking idea. wow. can hear that? thats my heart breaking again.

saw him before he board the bus. i was like :O than i nudge yana beside me. i very happy lehhhhhh! da smile like very wide!!!!!!!!!!!!! than i realise the girl behind him was with him :/ wah, i never look anymore. skali bus full. he had to move behind with that girl. and he stood infront of me [infront beside] yeahhh... yana waved. yana said he smiled. he looked at me, i never did once looked up. dont dare liao. later i break down there and then lagi susah kan? yaa, so he looked at me expecting for a wave or smile? but sorry dude, you just broke my heart.

all along the bus ride to Yew Tee point i give yana a pathetic sad face. haish. very sad leh. so yeah, thats like one of the hell bus rides ive ever had.

Hello boy it's been a while
you'll be glad to know
That I've learned how to laugh and smile
over you was slow
They say old lovers can be good friends
But I never
thought I'd really see you
I'd really see you again

I go crazy
When I look in your eyes
I still go crazy
No my heart just can't
hide that old feeling inside
Way deep down inside
Oh baby you know when
I look in your eyes
I go crazy

You say she satisfies your mind
Tells you all of her dreams
I know how much that means to you
realize that I was blind
Just when I thought I was over you
I see your
face and it just ain't true
No it just ain't true

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