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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010 @ 4:58 AM

EPIC FAILURE Pictures, Images and Photos

that shall be the words now. EPIC FAILURE. i totally screw up malay oral. haish. i broke down in class afterwards. thank god theres only fan, si yi , wan yin , JX and mr L. if not ... tsktsktsk ... very embarrasing.

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You will know that you love someonewhen you want h... one hell of a bus ride. im ditching the 30 day letter thing. moodless. okay. here . this is today. ah! maddafucka! im pis... Dear Ex-Crush, so cekgu treated us Arnolds today. wah....half a ... dear stranger, dear dreams dear closest relative, dear parents,