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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Afeefah Anthony Leeyana Dianatashya Irfan
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Monday, February 7, 2011 @ 4:15 AM

hello readers :)

guess what ? i have managed to stay at home for the last 3 days . wooo! big achievement you know. okay, oh well, i have also managed to find my class pictures. since sec one photos.
this is the sec one photo.

the most emotional one is the sec 4 ones. i have been reading the comments that my classmates noted down and also sign off with their signatures.
its so nostalgic.

here is one of the design and technology trips. if im not wrong this is at the national museum where the RM crew went on the lift rides. it was fun! i miss my former RM crew. they are by far the people who had made an impact during my secondary school life. i love them truckloads.

this one below is the last day of our late-night stay backs to finish up our o levels coursework if im not wrong :

our design and technology trip to marina barrage :

the RM boys :

the RM girls :

oh my god, i really miss you guys . really really miss you guys ....
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