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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Afeefah Anthony Leeyana Dianatashya Irfan
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Friday, June 4, 2010 @ 5:22 AM
can you place yourself in a moment's notice,
in my situation?
Increasingly you've made me cold and afraid,
a lonely companion.

above says a lot. wont go into detail. too friggin lazy and no mood liao.
my stomach fuwah! pain like what the eff!
its like the ribcage part but more inside the ribcage. haiya! i dont know how to describe -.-
its like piercing and stinging pain.
anyway, had school again just now but TGIF!
very tired liao. im exhausted and friggin sick of studies.
i stone for almost every lesson. wahlao- seriously, cannot take it but i know i HAVE to take it no matter what cause i have no choice. wah. sad.
had 2 sciences today. total 6 hours of sciences.
first 2 hours was chem. next 2 hours - physics. a 2 hours break cause dudes have to go for SJ. continue for another 2 hours of chem practical.
had Naked Fish for lunch. went to BPP with dayana and Darius. had an interesting time tgt. ^^
after chem practical, headed home with Eerfun & Dayana.
actually we walked to Lot 1 - for fun. no mood to go home. so we walked-walked.
okay done with today.

i have a problem. the problem is : clothes.
most difficult problem that im experiencing now. tomorrow kak N's wedding. i have no idea on whut to wear. first thought of wearing pink Zara checkered. but thn my Burberry black/white checkered is outside my closet waiting for me to wear it. haiyo!

and oh yes, we notice. ^^

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