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a-tee-qah . 9th May .
Bipolar . Ailurophobic . Agliophobic .
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Monday, June 7, 2010 @ 5:52 AM

Life Quotes,girly-girl-graphics

thats like the most suitable quote to describe today.

one word : sanding.

yes, design and technology camp. well, not exactly camp uh. just that its from morning to almost evening. 8am to 6pm. sad right?! omg, my product is so tedious! did my chair, but i cut the wrong thing. -.- had to restart and redo. nvm, i persevere . tomorrow gonna continue with the sanding. currently, my whole arm is burning and pounding in pain. my pointing finger is swollen. and it affects my thumb finger which in the end affects my whole hand -.-

gosh! so hard to type! well then, till here only! byebye!

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